Honestly, it's been hard to keep pace with all of the amazing science communicators out there. While I can't speak for everyone, I personally think most of us are just so passionate about the projects we're working on (or that others are working on) that we just can't help but share that enthusiasm!
That being said, sometimes it's hard to come to terms with the state of the world, the state of progress, and the uncertainty the future holds. Especially if it feels like you're yelling into a hurricane. To that end, I was honored when the Xylom asked me to contribute a story to their amazing platform. They left the call open ended, and after some consideration I decided to be as honest as I could be. For the curious reader, check out my story on the Xylom, "Dis-Aleutianed: Where the Wild Winds Blow" Here's to revisiting the project that helped define my graduate career. Once more unto the breach we go.
AuthorPike Spector is currently a Research Operations Specialist with Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Archives
August 2022
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